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Thoughts on a Trip to Ontario Part 5: Conclusion: Be Prepared (2 Timothy 4:2)

2 Timothy 4:2:

Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.


We went to Ontario couple of days before the Celebration of Life. We spent our first two nights in a community called Woodstock because it was within driving distance of Stratford. You know what Stratford is famous for? It’s Shakespeare Festival! That is quite interesting. Do you know the history of the festival? Stratford Ontario, as we know, is named after Stratford, UK. And Stratford UK has a strong connection with William Shakespeare. So the Tom Patterson a few years after returning from World War II started the festival to help revive his home town. It is really worked and the town and the festival are still going and bigger than ever.


Now, we were one week early to actually catch the festival itself but we did get to see one play: Romeo and Juliet. This was especially good because Sarah-Grace was with us and she is, of course, studying Shakespeare at UVic. She knows Shakespeare – all the nuances, all the history, all the comedy, everything! It was good: I was also able to get her birthday present while we were there a book where a bunch of scholars debate Shakespeare – the kind of book only a university student could appreciate! At one point before we went to the show, she actually was reading Romeo and Juliet with full commentary as we were driving for hours in the car before the show. She was prepared for Stratford! And she prepared her sisters and us for Stratford! She was so prepared she even wore shoes with Shakespeare’s face on them!


Like the scriptures says we need to be prepared in and out of season to share our faith. In the old days I used to carry little New Testaments in my pocket but now the Bible is all online. But I encourage you all to be prepared for when the opportunity presents itself, to share your faith arises. Like Sarah-Grace had her Shakespeare shoes and a copy of the play, maybe have a few good Bible quotes, memory verses or a testimony ready to go, off the top of your head, just in case. Even offering a prayer for someone in need. I encourage you to be a prepared as Sarah-Grace!


Oh, and one more thing. Not only was she prepared when we saw Romeo and Julliet – look at this picture. We stopped by a place called primitive designs that had many neat designs, including a shark sculpture and Sarah-Grace was prepared. Here she is with a Shark dress!


Actually I guess that is the moral of today’s message: be a Sarah-Grace! Now you don’t need to go out and buy a shark dress or shoes with your favourite playwright on them. You don’t need to coordinate your clothes perfectly with every activity you are participating in but you should always do your best to be prepared, to share your faith and what you know about our Lord and Saviour with everyone you meet. Be ready to offer a word of encouragement to those you meet,


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