One morning a man was told that two of his friends had or were about to pass away. He had a vision. His dream was of Genesis Chapter 40. He recalled the story of Joseph's interpretation of the dreams of two of Pharaoh's officials: the cup bearer and the baker. The cup bearer and the baker were each awaiting their fate. One (the cup bearer) had a dream of which the interpretation was that he would be restored to his position and reconciled to his king. The other had a dream of which the interpretation was his time was up. He would not be reconciled. He had missed his chance. We trust in the grace and mercy of God and we cling to the hope of salvation for each person we love. If you have not yet been reconciled to the King of Heaven and Earth, what is holding you back? He wants to restore you in your relationship with Him today and He would love to have you in His service for ever.
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! We went to see Frankenstein the Ballet last night. If anyone knows that story. The beginning is like the book. Dr. Frankenstein makes a creation out of the parts of corpses who had had terrible things happen in their lives - and then he brings life to the new creation and it becomes whole - with a whole new lease on life. A new chance to live. No matter all the awful stuff that had happened before. Now - the book actually ends poorly after that but the ballet does not. The ballet includes a story of Giselle. This bride, who herself suffered a horrible fate, learned forgiveness and is resurrected. She meets Frankenstein's creation; they fall in love - and start off again, this time living a transformed life. Revelation 21:3b-4: God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or ...
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