Advent is about waiting. We remember waiting for the birth of our saviour millennia ago even as now we await his return anytime soon. And when He returns what a day that will be. Our Scripture reminds us that when Jesus comes back, we will no longer be subservient to the brutal politico-socio-economic systems we are today where one becomes rich as over 25 000 children die each day even though the Lord has already provided more than enough resources for the whole world to be fed and clothed and otherwise taken care of many times over. These systems of oppression will end. The rulers of this world will be brought low. We will no longer see a situation where people become millionaires for appearing on a screen or playing baseball while others cannot afford to clothe themselves. In our world today there is also pornography, which horribly is America’s most lucrative pastime. In the United States, pornography revenue is more than all money made from professional football, baseball and basketball combined. A small percentage of this money would feed and clothe the world. The presidents, money people, and other rulers of our age who oversee all of this will be brought down.
This will come to an end. The greatest in this world will become the least and the least will become the greatest. Jesus is the great equalizer. When He comes back those in power and luxury will experience His justice and those who are hungry and humbled will be lifted up and fed.
This is the second coming that we are waiting for. And as we do our bit by giving the hungry something to eat, giving the thirsty something to drink, inviting in the stranger, clothing the naked, looking after the sick and visiting those in prison (Matthew 25:31-40); we anticipate the day when Christ will return and all injustice will end. Jesus’ Advent 2000+ years ago was a foretaste of the justice and mercy that that awaits us when He returns and as we show mercy to our neighbours, we show that we belong to His world to come rather than to this present evil age – and this is important because as sure as Christmas is coming, Christ is coming back – so as bad as things may seem as we are riding our metaphorical donkeys down to the capital to pay our proverbial taxes, we must remember that just as Jesus was dwelling in Mary’s womb and they were eagerly waiting for Him to come, so too now as we have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and we are waiting for Jesus to come back; the world is certainly in its ninth month and Jesus is coming soon and then everything will be okay.
What are you doing while you await Christ’s return? What evidence is there that you are part of the advance guard of His Kingdom to come?
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