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Luke 3:7-14: Revolution

I love to study Luke because Luke is a revolutionary text: Luke, like John Wesley, is crystal clear that the Gospel is a social justice gospel: Christians will not acquire and hoard wealth while others are in need. John the Baptist says instead we should “produce acts in keeping with repentance” (v.7).

John answers cries from the crowd by telling people to share their money and possessions rather than save them. The tax collectors who are part of this crowd then say in essence, “yes, know that: everybody who is saved will give to those in need. But what specifically should WE, saved tax collectors, who have our own tax franchises, do when we make this public profession of faith?”

 “Don’t collect any more than you are required to.” Poor people in the Kingdom of God should have the same access to life as wealthy people, so do your part, “don’t collect any more than you are required to.” To them and those of us who own businesses today, he says: don’t make a profit off people. Luke's Gospel is good news, gospel for the poor.

John says next to the soldiers - who weren’t paid necessarily a ‘liveable wage’ - “be content with your pay.” Luke says to those of us who may be tempted to pad our hours, not declare our income, or manipulate our wages, “be content with your pay.” Luke is the social justice gospel. It is a revolutionary text. Luke tells as what the impending Kingdom of God looks like. It is a place where the poor have at least equal access to life and liberty as the rich and everyone who is a part of God’s Kingom will deal openly and honestly with each other.

And honestly this revolution is important today. We, as Christians, are called to be holy. We, as Christians, are called to be the advance guard of a just society where the poor do have the same access to life and forgiveness as the rich. The middle class and the elite - like the tax collectors - are not to make a profit at the expense of the poor. And all of us are to be content with our wages. God will provide for us as He provides for the birds of the air and the lilies of the field (Luke 12:27, Mt 6:28). Everyone, as we are a part of God's proleptic Kingdom, is to love our neighbour and provide for their needs just as our Heavenly Father loves and provides for us.

This week, as we await the arrival of our Lord at the echaton, let us all be a part of this joyful, peaceful, Christian revolution by honestly loving our Lord with all our heart, mind and soul and loving our neighbour as ourselves and as we do I promise God will change our world as He changes us from the inside out.

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