We read about the end of Samson’s life and we have just read about the beginning of his life and a covenant that his mom and dad were encouraged to enter into with God on behalf of their son – and their whole nation, actually. Do we know what a covenant is? A covenant is an agreement. I covenant is promise. A covenant is a contract. It is a holy contract. Mostly today if we use this word covenant it will be in relationship to our marriage covenants – in that covenant, among other things, people promise not to date other people but to forsake all others. Sometimes people enter into sobriety covenants to help them break free of addiction – they promise not to drink again and other things. And when someone becomes a full member of The Salvation Army we enter into a soldier’s covenant where we also promise to do and not to do certain things as a way of saying we are part of this movement. COVENANTS are very important to the Lord. In his article 'Till I Die' (Nov - Dec ...