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Showing posts from June, 2021

Are You Coming to Father’s House? (John 13:33-14:31)

Fathers’ Day: At one point we actually had a glimmer of hope that we would see Rebecca on Fathers' Day weekend and for most of the week leading up to it, it looked like Susan, Sarah-Grace, and Heather would be able to head to the mainland this weekend to see her, but it didn’t work out.  Fathers’ Day is often a chance when children are able to visit their fathers. This can be quite an occasion if the children live a distance from their fathers and/or if they don’t get to see their fathers very often. If they live quite a distance away sometimes the visits are longer because of it. Children, even adult children going to see their fathers can be quite an occasion.    Jesus, in our passage today is speaking about going to see his father. Jesus is unmarried and probably in his early thirties and he is at dinner with his students and closest friends when he tells them that he is going to see his father and the conversation that ensues with his disciples is quite interesting....

Romans 12 and the New Normal

Romans 12 has been on my mind a little bit this past week as we are hopefully coming out of this pandemic very soon. The Apostle Paul  is speaking about the 'new normal' of the Kingdom of God and thus he gives us some great words of wisdom that we can keep in mind in as we enter our ‘new normal’ of the post-covid world.[1] Paul tells us to offer up our lives to God and not conform to society but instead to renew our minds so that we can do what God would like us to do. He then goes on to explain what it is that God wants us to do with our lives as part of the "new normal". Paul says that, as opposed to what society says, we are to: ·        Not think of ourselves as the greatest at whatever we do, or the smartest person in the room.[2] You and I can be wrong about something. Be thankful for that! That is how we learn and get better and smarter! ·        Work together as a team. Not everyone has the same job, skills and abilities. Work togethe...

I have come down to rescue them (Exodus 3:8)

I read this verse this week as we are (hopefully) seeing the end of the Covid-19 Coronavirus pandemic in the not too distant future. The Lord has certainly rescued many people in our community here through the efforts of many people and agencies including The Salvation Army food bank and the Bread of Life Soup kitchen. The Bread of Life Centre was also rescued by the Lord through this pandemic. In the months before the pandemic, the Bread of Life was broke. It had gone through a number of Executive Directors in a short period of time. The end of their long history of ministry to the community seemed like it was coming to an end. A couple of members of their board came and spoke to me at The Salvation Army about the possibility of the Army absorbing the Bread of Life. Through many months of discussions, we then agreed instead to an operational agreement. The Bread of Life would continue to exist. The Bread of Life would recommit to its Christian roots, heritage, and mission. The Salvati...