I am so thankful that we are allowed to have our worship times outside now (as long as we are blessed with appropriate weather). There has been a lot of talk about obeying the authorities in recent times. It has after all been illegal for the Church to meet in the churches for church services since Christmas. It is only in the previous few weeks that we have even been allowed to meet outside in the elements again. There have been many discussions about churches gathering. I had an article published in the Journal of Aggressive Christianity entitled “What we did when Church was illegal “ [i] . It has been a serious concern. At a time when rates of suicide and drug use and abuse are at all-time highs to remove these emotional and spiritual supports from the most vulnerable doesn’t seem to make any sense to many people. According to Matthew, Jesus famously tells us to “render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s” (M t 22:21) and Paul in ...